Hey there hope you are doing well but I am here to make you feel great. Anjali working full-time as an independent call girl in Model Town. I am just limited to in-call or out-call services you can take me on vacations and trips to nearby cities of Delhi. I can make any man obsessed with my sexy figure. You can share all your desires with me and complete them one by one or if you don't have any let me share with you some of mine. I have no restrictions and obligations with my clients, I serve them with everything at their location around the clock. If you want a safe and comfortable space to spend time with me contact me and avail my services in your own house. Your details are safe with me and will not be shared with any third party. I take regular medical tests to ensure that I am free from any STDS. My number is open for WhatsApp and call around the call so call me whenever you are feeling horny.